Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Learn Guitar Tabs Fast - It Is Easier Than It Looks

There have been a few skills I've set out to learn in my life, and by skills I mean more than just a trade or profession. Take boxing for example, where the friend who decided to teach me based on his extensive history of training champions earlier in life. We went out and bought a heavy boxing bag and spent a fun afternoon hanging it at my home. When it came time to teach me what to do, he smiled, got in his car and just as he was driving off, he told me to punch the bag 1,000 times and then to call him back. And so I did, and when he returned he told me to now punch it 2,000 times, but for me to take note of how my arms now naturally come up and for my fists to be ready to do business with the bag.

The same happened when I took up dancing, and there my teacher had to first teach me how to listen to music - at first the beat, and then later the rhythm. She defined dancing as any movement of my body that is in time with the music, and so tapping in finger on the bar or my foot in time to the drummer was dancing - albeit at a most basic form. After understanding this "process of learning", I realized that in both the cases of learning boxing and dance it was all about muscle-learning my physical movements until my muscles developed their own memory of what to do and when.

My current project of learning guitar is not different in that my journey is one of developing a muscle memory so that my fingers will be at the right tabs and the right time for my efforts to make great sound. Yes it will take a little time, but when I know the underlying process to learning the new skill, then my progress. In order to learn guitar tabs fast, I found it wise to buy the right book and in my resource box you will find a link to a web-site which reviews many such books. To learn guitar, you mostly need to learn guitar tabs fast and putting in the right amount of time with the right structure to your practice, and you'll be there around the camp fire impressing the ladies in no time at all.

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